Create training step by step instructions in minutes!
Track, embed, optimize, localize and share them in seconds
Trusted by:
Take a screenshot, point and click to a specific section, add a description, follow that again and again, and automagically this turns into a workflow.
"Fleeq helps us in creating targeted tutorials and walkthroughs in minutes and track their performance"
Ariel assaraf , CTO @ Corralogix
Control all branding aspects, from color, Logo, custom domain, Favicon and much more. it's your content and as such, it should deliver the same visual message that correlates to your brand.
"Fleeq is great; I love the fact that it's easy and fun. Product videos are no longer a huge task on my roadmap."
Assaf Trafikant, QuickWin Ltd. Founder & CEO
No need to import/export and update on any change, you can now remotely control all your fleeqs, just go into the dashboard, adjust the contents and your changes are "Live" in production.
"Fleeq is an incredibly intuitive platform that helped me create a really cool and short tutorial with voice, text and screenshot visuals."
Keshett Barkai, Team Manager @ Avnon Group